- International Symposium of Fat Graft and Stem Cells
- IFFPSS International Federation of Facial Plastics Surgery Societies
- SOSCPRE French Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- EMAA European Master in Aesthetic and Anti-aging
- IMCAS International Master Course on Aging Skin
- ICAAM International Congress in Aesthetic, Anti Aging Medicine
- World Congress in Reversing Aging
- World Society of Anti-Aging Medicine
- World Congress of the International Federation of Oto-Laryngological Societies (IFOS)
- F.A.C.E. Facial Aesthetic and Cosmetics Events
- SIFORL International Congress of ORL and Cervico Facial Surgery
- Societe Française de Chirurgie Esthétique
- French Society of Oto-Laryngology & Head &Neck Surgery
- Lebanese Society of Oto-Laryngology & Head & Neck Surgery